Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hey Friends! I'm so excited I just have to share! :)
Remember the poodles I just posted about?
Well, for those of you who don't hang on my every post, (ha!) I received an order for 10 big poodles (5 pink, 5 white) that would be in centerpieces for a baby's 1st birthday party.

Oodles of Snooty Poodles
Oodles of Snooty Poodles

Soooo, anyway, I misjudged the amount of pink wool roving I would need to complete the 5 pink poodles.  I had to place an "emergency order" for "CUPCAKE" colored roving. I called the very nice folks at LIVING FELT and they helped me out with my

Pink Poodle Predicament!

I received my pink roving in time to complete the order, and it all worked out!!! YAY!

So I posted pics of the final product on Living Felt's Facebook page, to let them know how they helped me out. By posting pictures on their page, I was automatically entered in a drawing for a gift certificate to Living Felt's awesome online store, a wonderful place full of what fellow felters covet: beautifully colored FUZZ (aka wool roving) and all the tools of the trade.



Please check out LIVING FELT

and like their facebook page too! 

Living Felt

Monday, November 4, 2013

Poodle Party!

I just finished a special order requested by a party planner. Her client was having a 1st birthday party, and the party had a Paris theme.
The request was for ten of my poodles. When I found out they were for the centerpieces, I asked if she wanted them bigger than my normal 5 to 6 inch tall poodles. She said yes, and so began my first venture into SUPER SIZED needle felted creations!
Snooty PoodleIMG_7081IMG_7086I have to say, it was a learning experience! Although not too different as far as technique, planning just how much wool I needed was the hard part. 
The order was for 5 pink and 5 white poodles, with lavender ribbons tied into bows on their ears.
Snooty attitude was standard.
I had about 2 and a half weeks to complete them all, and Halloween (my fave holiday second to Christmas) was in that time period too. But I managed it, and feel confident I provided my customer with my very best effort.
She was kind enough to send pictures....the first one is their arrival to her house:
This second picture is of the actual completed centerpiece. Her client was happy, and so was the party planner. It was a fun experience!
photo (12)
I may try to go large with my deer as well, since the holidays are now upon us. And by that I mean the carols are already playing in some stores, and the commercials have begun. This is the time of year that I use the MUTE button on my remote control OFTEN.
Hope this finds you all well!