Friday, December 12, 2014

Kewpie Had a Little Friend Named Doodles the Dog

Hello All! Just wanted to share a custom request I received from a customer for Doodles, the dog who was friends with Kewpie.
For those of you who aren't familiar, the Kewpie was a creation by artist Rose O'Neill in 1909. It was a baby-like, cupid-like elf that started as a cartoon but grew in popularity as a doll.
Here is the cartoon I used for inspiration:
There were other renditions of Doodles, which was actually a French Bulldog, and here's some other images:
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So as you can see, Doodles can look a little different from time to time, but generally he's CUTE!
So here's my version of Doodles the Dog:IMG_4803

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Who Were They? What Was Their Story?

Old photographs fascinate me. I think many people would agree they are so cool to look at....think about the people, what they wore, what their "story" was.
Over the years I've accumulated many in my countless visits to garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. Without even trying I've accumulated quite a collection over the years.
Here's one I always gaze at as I occasionally flip through them all.
They were brothers, probably....

Monday, August 4, 2014

50% OFF All Cool Vintage Finds From Melanie's Menagerie!

Now through the whole month of August, all vintage items in my shop are marked down to HALF PRICE! YAY!
At the end of August, I'll be taking down these items and selling them on Ebay, so get them at these great prices before they're gone!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Releasing a New Flock!

Been busy making new bluebirds for my shop....hope everyone is okay out there! :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Diorama's are Cool.

Hello Friends!
I hope 2014 is going well for all of you! I haven't checked in for awhile and I wanted to share a recent creation. I've always been fascinated wit all things MINIATURE and I had these little circles that I picked up from a craft store, so I gave it a whirl.
This is my try at a bluebird themed diorama!